Sports Chiropractor Madison WI

Ready to Level Up Your Game? A Dane County, Wi Athlete's Guide to Sports Chiropractic

Listen up, weekend warriors and competitive beasts - your body's trying to tell you something between those burpees and personal records!

You know that moment when your back says "NOPE" right before your big race? Or when your shoulder decides to throw a tantrum during your championship game? Yeah, we've seen it all, and we've got solutions that'll keep you in the game.

Common Sports Injuries We Tackle in our Deforest area office:

  • Runner's knee

  • Tennis/golfer's elbow

  • Rotator cuff strains

  • Ankle sprains (when your moves were a bit too fancy)

  • Lower back pain (your core's way of waving the white flag)

  • Hip flexor issues (sitting all day, training all night?)

How We Keep You Moving:

  1. Injury Prevention: Of course prevention is always going to be your best friend. At Balanced Chiropractic + Wellness we do this by improving your joint mobility, enhances muscle balance which works to optimizes biomechanics (fancy talk for moving right!). This hopes to keep injuries minimized if at all allowing you to get on doing what you want.

  2. Performance Enhancement: With regular chiropractic care many see a great increase in their range of motion which in turn helps boosts recovery time as well as improve body awareness (so you know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em). But for real when your nervous system is more online you will be better able to feel your body and be present in your body which should help to improve your performance just that much more.

  3. Recovery Support: I think many patients really enjoy this componenet of care in Windsor, WI because we all want faster recovery. With chiropractic care (and don’t forget we always add in cupping, dry needling, soft tissue work when needed as well!) we always see faster healing times with reduced inflammation. On top of this reduce healing this also helps to prevent any bad compensation patterns from creeping in!

Adjustments are awesome but we also have a few other things up our sleeves. Our Tool Belt Includes:

  • Active Release Technique (like a reset button for your muscles)

  • Sports-specific adjustments (customized for your game)

  • Kinesio taping

  • Movement assessment (finding the "why" behind the "ouch")

  • Return-to-play protocols

If you're already in a sport or you’re looking to start a new sport, here are the four best times to get checked?

  • Before starting a new sport

  • After an injury (obviously!)

  • During intense training (when you're pushing the limits)

  • For maintenance (like an oil change, but for your body)

If you’re ready to up your game? Give us a shout! 💪

Balanced Chiropractic + Wellness — 6729 Lake Road, Windsor, Wi 53598 — @balancedchirowi